"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Feb 15, 2008

Rootin' Tootin' Cowboy

Jack Jack is pretending ALL day long... And if you're there, you are assigned a character and YOU HAVE to play along :)
Today, it's Sherrif Woody and Mommy Jessie. With a smile like that... who could resist?!

Feb 12, 2008

The Cruise Pics part 1

The Cruise Pics part 2

Happy 6th Anniversary!

Trying to Keep up!

Lots has happened with us B's since the first of the year :)
Of course, finding (i mean taking) the time to update has been scarce :(
All well, keep tryin' eh?

Jack's ever expanding vocabulary catches us off guard all the time. I can't help but giggle at some of the silly stuff he says. He's fun, fun, fun and LOVING being three. Getting bigger each day, I've finally come to terms with the fact that he's not a baby at all anymore. "Just a Kid" is what he tells me all the time.

Rob and I just celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary on January 26th! We spent a weekend together at our timeshare in Las Vegas in "the penthouse"! It was pretty rainy and windy that weekend but we still had a blast. The highlight had to be the Cirque du Soleil Show that we saw at the Mirage... LOVE! It's all set to Beatles music and was such a fun experience!! I LOVEd it ;)
Jack got to spend that weekend with Auntie Cissy and was pretty bent out of shape that he couldn't go. We just told him that we were going on a trip (didn't dare tell him Las Vegas because that's where Uncle Teariki and Auntie Alli live and how dare we not take him!) and for about a week before he continually asked me, "How come you guys like to spend time without me?" I just assured him it was so that we could really appreciate the time we spend WITH him ;)

As if one trip was not enough... The following week, we took a cruise to Baja Mexico!! We were joined by Brina, Chanda, Chris and Adriana. Originally, we had planned the trip with Cissy and Craig but poor guys were SOOO sick and the kids were too so they really reluctantly decided it would be wiser to stay home :( We definitely missed them but we're looking forward to some other Jammin vacations together this year! We were so glad that Robert's brother and our sister in law could join us so last minute!! We had a good time!
We left Long Beach on the Carnival Paradise on 02/04. We spent Tuesday in Catalina where Robert tried to kill us with a Golf Cart ;) j/k and Wednesday we arrived in Ensenada. It actually was a super sobering experience. The previous day was Fat Tuesday so there had been hard core parties in the street... It just makes us all really glad that we live where we do, where there's street sweeping and no federales on the corner with semi-automatic weapons...
The last full day was spent at sea. Just napping, eating, relaxing, eating again, napping again followed by a little more relaxing :) Got a chance to gamble a little at the onboard casino and there was a man playing the guitar on the main deck, singing 'Can't Help Falling In Love' and I totally got up and danced the hula! Right there! It was good kine fun.

While vacation was really nice, we missed our Jack Jack and were glad to come home. It's always tough to get back into the swing of things but yet another benefit of coming home on a Friday, we had the weekend too!

So there's our 2008 so far!

I'm going to try and post some slideshows... we'll see how it works out :)