"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Apr 18, 2010

Huzzah! Such a way to spend such a "faire" day!

I think in the last 10 years we've only missed one year at the faire. The Southern California Renaissance Faire comes every spring from April to May. It's open each Saturday and Sunday from 10-7 and it's AMAZING fun! It's stepping back through time where you're greeted with "Good Morrows" and thanked with "Grammercies". Leave a dollar in any vendors basket and they'll go mad yelling "Hazzaar to the generous giver!!" Lots of people dress up, we even did a few years ago (see below).

There are actors roaming that have assumed roles as nobles or common folk. There's undoubtedly a Spartan or two (not hired... just regular Joes) casually hanging out ready to pose for pictures with anyone who asks. Last year we ran into a guy in his Star Trek uniform who had obviously just beamed in for the day (Bri had to take a picture with him).

Renn Faire '09

The food is one of the BEST parts!! Banana chocolate crepes and cream puffs were a delicious breakfast and the rest of the day followed suit with steak on a stake, broccoli cheddar and clam chowder in bread bowls, coconut sorbet in a coconut shell, apple slices with caramel and graham crackers, root beer floats, steamed artichoke, curly fries and topping the day off was Sin on a Stick... which roughly translated is Frozen Chocolate Covered Cheesecake on a stick ;)

We strolled around, not minding the dust or the half naked folks that the faire tends to attract. First stop is always at Greenman Florals for head wreaths. He makes over a thousand each year and we've accumulated quite the collection. We got smiles and waves from "Queen Elizabeth" and a brief history lesson from her governess Lady Katherine Ashby. Both kids enjoyed the parades of the queen's court.

We played in the bubble yard and swung on a GIANT swing! Hea Baby finally napped while we watched the subtle and not so subtle jokes and tricks of Broon. JT and Auntie Nini got their archery on and JT wisely chose to spend his money on a mahogany wand (since he's been cut off from buying weapons).

I perused all the different costume shops trying as best as I can to get ideas for sewing new costumes for JT and Mr B... maybe even a new dress for me and something cute for Hea Baby. I've got ambitious intentions for this sewing machine ;) we'll see how that translates into reality.

Always a good time, the Renn Faire is the place to be if you're cool. haha, but really, you should go.

Apr 17, 2010

Takin it back a notch... called out

So, although I hardly EVER go on my myspace anymore I wanted to take a look a the blog I kept on there. It's like reading old journal entries (who doesn't love to do that!) and glimpsing back in time a bit. I've decided to post old blogs on here over the course of the next few months or so as part of a series i'm calling :Takin' it back a notch: so... here's the first.

Originally posted October 18, 2007

Current mood: hopeful
Category: Life

So here's a quick something...

I'm soo incredibly fortunate. I have a great family and a huge support system. My son is a happy, healthy, intelligent, at times quite obnoxious, awesome little kid. I think that a huge part of what defines our character is humility. It's a trait that is slowly being lost because we're not teaching it to our children. Everyone is taught that being the best is important and that you're only good when you're better than someone else. Our world is in constant comparison. There is no value placed on the humble because it's too commonly associated with weakness.

I am sooo over it. I know that I'm in a good place and that is all that matters to me. It's all that should matter to me. Too often we are so worried about how other people are doing in their lives and it tends to consume, leaving us no time to focus on the things that are truly important in our own lives. I found myself judging without even understanding all of the circumstances and I'm embarrassed. I still don't know those circumstances but I'm embarrassed that I let it take up precious time in my day and of how selfish and petty my thoughts were. I'm calling myself out. My bad.

There are a whole lotta folks out there that don't have it as good as I, or even you, do. And I think it wise to remember that. Be grateful for what we do have as opposed to what we don't have. Whatever happened to being truly happy and proud of people that we know for all of their accomplishments instead of being jealous and bitter. It shows. We might think that we can ride the wave with the fakeness but people can tell when you're really happy for them and when you're lying.

A few things to live by...
If you don't mean it, don't say it.
You can hear a smile in your voice.
If you won't give the guy on the corner a buck, at least look him in the eye. Don't pretend he isn't there.
Say "Bless You" when you hear a sneeze.
Hold the door open for a stranger sometimes.
Say "Thank You" when ANYone does something for you.
Tip at least 20% if you never see the bottom of your glass.
Remember that what goes around, comes around... And it will always come around.

It's been a contemplative kind of evening.

Apr 16, 2010

even HIS grass is beautiful.

Mr B and I had the opportunity to finally put our limited temple recommends to use! We tagged along with the Imbachs (who were taking the youth of their ward) to the LA temple and were honored and privileged to each get to do 10 baptisms for the dead. All y'all non mormons are at the "What the heck?!" moment... i gotcha... here ya go.
I tried so hard to remember some of the names for the women who's ordinances I was performing but the only 4 that have stuck with me are Opal, Edith, Mary and Elizabeth.
I bore my testimony in Sacrament Meeting last week and I shared the experience that we had at the temple. The last time I'd gone was to do BFTD when I was 12 or 13. We were excited to go in. We walked the grounds as we waited for the Ontario gang. Seriously, even the grass is beautiful.
We went in and presented our limited temple recommends (yay!). The girls and guys separated to go and change into (very unflattering but it isn't about looking cute eh?) jumpsuits. When we were done, everyone was in white and we waited our turn and watched the others go before us. I was talking with these teenagers and asked if they'd done this before. Most of them had and responded casually. I couldn't contain my excitement and asked, "aren't you more excited? you're in god's house, doing god's work!?"... Crazy "old" (well compared to being 15) lady ;)
I can't explain the spirit that I felt there. It was awesome.

I'm so excited and prepared to be sealed to my family this summer. I can't think of any greater gift that God could offer than eternal life with your family.

Spring Break Adventures

When I realized JT was about to be on spring break I was daydreaming of days that I let him watch movies while Hea Baby napped and I got to maybe read a book... Then I realized that this was his first ever spring break and I wanted to make it (and all the ones to come) a really cool week of doing things and going places that we normally don't either have time to do or don't take time to do!

We visited the Natural History Museum with cousins and friends and then picnicked on the grass (yay for taking Subway Sandwiches!)

(lol @ Hea baby's mad face)

We went to the Beach (it was Hea baby's first time!). There were lady bugs ALL OVER!! The water was cold but the sun was warm. All the kiddos loved it and we were glad to get more QT with the Schlarbs <3.
(lady bug in Yana's hair!)

We went out for pancakes then hiked the trails at the El Dorado Nature Center with our Kamae cousins and then visited with the animals at the SPCALA animal village. (Thanks Mari)

We did science experiments with citric acid and baking soda, JT got a lot of creative freedom here and I didn't even mind mopping up the purple puddles that resulted.

We had a picnic at the duck park and then played Hide and Seek.

(she wasn't too happy about being caught by her brother...)

We went to the movies with our favorite "other Booths" and had fun learning "How to train your dragon"!

We squeezed in a few movies and a baseball practice and on Sunday night before school JT said, "Mom, this was the best spring break ever".

Mission accomplished.

Egg-stra special Day!

Each year we love hosting our Easter Brunch! Last year we had a dinner but this year we were back on track! The niece and nephews camped out here the night before and woke up to chocolate croissants, hot cocoa and Crunch Berries ;) The kids had a fun morning dying eggs and trying to stay out from under foot as we all bustled around the kitchen like we do. Brunch was AMAZING (gosh, every time I even think the word I channel a Minster voice... Look what a lasting impression you made Elder!). Yana Mama brought yummadocious lemon glazed shortbread cookies (I WILL NOT even tell you how many I had... but it ended in teen, whatever). We had broccoli cheddar and ham and cheddar quiches, strawberry trifle, tomato basil feta salad, homemade egg bread, french toast soufflé, fruit, veggies and um... 100 hot wings from Wingstop! ;)

The kids diligently ate their food so that we could get on with the important part already! The egg hunt. This year, instead of stuffing all the plastic eggs with candy, we put a coin inside and when they'd collected all they could hunt down, they could turn in their eggs for premade candy bags. It was a lot less hassle this way and I was fortunate to have so many willing bag stuffers hard at work that morning.

Hea Baby knew exactly how to find eggs as Maga had been practicing with her for about a week beforehand. We warned all of our little hunters that eggs in the grass were for Hea Baby and they were all great about leaving them alone. Mind you we had excellent hiders and hunters of all skill levels ;) The egg hunt was fun as it always is and the rest of the day was filled with Sisters singing our favorite Beatles, Ingrid, and Oh Brother Where Art Thou songs. Tutu playing the ukulele, lots of visiting and laughter. Jack's incessant flirting with Buster's girlfriend Tas, a livingroom full of Sunday afternoon nappers...

oh and AN EARTHQUAKE! Rolling as opposed to the jerky ones that I expect and it was very, very long as any other So Cal'r will tell you. Thank goodness all we had was a little pool swish-swash. Definitely something to make Easter memorable (I mean aside from the obviousness of our annual recognition and celebration of when our Savior Jesus Christ was resurrected). General Conference was this very weekend and I'm so glad that God created Tivo ;) We've been enjoying it post Easter Weekend in bits and pieces because there will never be 4 hours that we can sit down without interruption... for probably another 10 years. haha.

We are so blessed to have such amazing people in our lives and are happy that we get to spend time with them. We Love you guys!! Y'all come back now y'hear?!