"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Mar 28, 2012

Special Person Day: JT loves Dad

Each year at our awesome Charter School, every student chooses and writes an essay about one Special Person. This year, JT chose his Dad. We attended an assembly where one student from each grade reads their essay aloud and presents flowers to their special person. After the assembly, we went to JT's class where he read the essay he wrote for his Dad.

Of course Dad is his special person. These guys are pals for the long haul. <3

Happy Birthday Cakestina!

My Lovely and Amazingly Talented, Beautiful, Caring, Witty, Bright, Trustworthy, Kind, Funny, Smart, Silly Friend Cakestina had a birthday. We at lots of dessert and sang the Birthday Song. Several times. And VERY loudly. Cuz that, party people, is how war roll.

 After a planned evening of laser tag and dessert went belly up thanks to a fraternity party... We made due with ordering the entire dessert menu at Lucille's to go, dragging couches and lounge chairs around the LB Town Center and visiting and eating near the outdoor fireplace.

<-- Cakestina and her Man <3

we love us some M's
it's nice to have someone who you can be silly with. even as an adult.

chocolate cake, bread pudding, red velvet, apple cobbler, ice cream, biscuits, apple butter... yeah. it was yum.

Mother Daughter Tea

Nohea and I attended a mother daughter tea.

Hea and I spent a lovely afternoon with other Mother's and Daughters at a beautiful tea and luncheon hosted by the O'Williamson Pub and Grub!

Love an opportunity to put on our dresses and eat yummy sandwiches and visit and play with girlfriends.

Mar 14, 2012

Play Ball: the year of the Pirate

Our banner from and sponsored by Rock Steady, Inc.

 WE have entered the year of the Pirate! New league, new rules, new team, new end of the park, but a lot of the same buddies to go with our new team mates. Along with several baseball friends, we switched from playing baseball at Heartwell Cal Ripken to East Long Beach Pony. At this age they are starting "Kid Pitch".  Opening day brought lots of fun, games are now 90 minutes or 6 innings and are wonderfully exciting and fun to attend. JT is spending a bit of time playing 2nd which he really loves. Mr. B is helping coach and when he isn't breathing Rock Steady, he's breathing Pinto Pirate baseball with the boy bug.

 They're a good group which makes the countless practices and games fun with all the cheering and whooping and hollering and playing and chatting and visiting and all that jazz...
Jack Schlarb's Daughter (GK) and great grandson/namesake JT
 I'm team parenting because I have faux c d and incredible control issues it's baseball season and that's what I do during baseball season. It helps to keep me on my toes... Plus I LOVE LOVE LOVE watching my kid play! Checking out the handsome 1st base coach all game long isn't too bad either! (Love you Mr. B)

 If you're ever in the mood for some exciting kid baseball, come on down. Follow the noise, we'll be the really loud ones. (If you know us B's and our baseball, we're constant clappers...)


Mar 9, 2012

Tea because she is Three!

We had a tea party for Hea Bug. Last year she got a Mrs. Potts, Beauty and the Beast plastic tea set that has seen weeks with the bath toys, the bag of park toys, the sand at the beach, mud in the backyard... And a whole lot of washing.

She has tea parties with  her animals, with her dolls, with her parents, with her buddies.

We enjoyed time with buddies and yummy eats, sweets and treats.

Auntie Nini took charge of decorations and party favors. Each little gal pal got elbow gloves and a hand made top hat head band. For the fellas there were new ties.

Trampoline  jumpers jumped, playground players played, toys were enjoyed, piñata was busted open... eventually...

   *Little side story... At the last minute I decided that a party is just not a party without that piñata so I picked one up at Target. Yes, a darn $20 for an unfilled disney princess piñata. We fill it up and let the kids have at it. One at a time they swing away, with a bat. A metal one. We have ball players in our life so there was no mercy. It started to fall apart so Mr. B, taped it up to ensure everyone got a turn. He's an excellent taper and everyone got at least two turns. When the piñata finally surrendered, the candies inside were pretty much broken. My pal asked why we didn't just have the kids pull the strings provided... See, I didn't read the instructions that came with the piñata as I already considered myself an expert. Hit, break, run, collect, eat... Well, had I taken a second I would have found that my $20 piñata was one of these new style, everyone gets to help kind. There were streamers hanging from the bottom, which I assumed were there for decoration. It was a Princess piñata after all. All the kids take a string and they pull together releasing all the candy at the same time from the bottom. Ah Ha... That's why it wasn't breaking. Note to self: Read the Instructions.

Hea Bug felt loved and special on her birthday (and everyday, lucky little ducky)

She is our Sunshine Girl.

We love you little lady. Always Always, Mama and Daddy