"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Jan 27, 2009

The Waiting Game and Oakwood Academy

Soo... Still no bebe.
We went to the Dr. again today and Dr. Fisch, who's awesome by the way, says everything looks really good. The baby is nice and low and in the right position. He poked around at my belly trying to figure out where she was sitting and apparently I had a contraction. I've probably been contracting and not realizing it. He says we're about 3cm which is good and offered if we wanted to induce tomorrow. Rob and I figured that we'll give her more time as long as she's in good shape. So we decided with Dr. Fisch, that if she hasn't made her debut or I haven't gone into spontaneous labor by next Wednesday, they'll induce me at 8am. Hopefully the the baby will be well on her way before that. We're excited but trying our best to be patient. Don't want to rush her if she's not ready. :)
On another note, we're touring a preschool for Jack tomorrow morning. Oakwood Academy, it's down the street from us in Bixby Knolls and I've gotten some good reviews on it. The preschool, pre-k and kindergarten program are on one campus and that leads into a private 1-6 school. It seems reasonable and I'm looking forward to meeting the staff and observing for a day. They encourage us to bring Jack too. I know that when we do find the right school, he's going to really enjoy himself!

Jan 24, 2009

Come out, Come out!

So the baby is due today. We've run errands and walked ALL over the place. How many babies are actually born on their due dates anyway? Well, I was.
I was thinking that I'll not mind that she's taking her sweet time. Everyone keeps asking if I'm feeling anything though and then asking if I'm sure... like I'm keeping a secret. It's kinda funny. I don't really mind, we're all pretty excited. Finally got a diaper bag today and a sling. Rob thinks it's a dumb hippie thing but he indulged me with a super cute sling nonetheless. Aw love. I've heard a lot of benefits to baby wearing so I'm interested to try. We've got a jillion diapers and plenty of wipes. The re-chargeable batteries are on the charger now ready to go into the swing that's all set up and by the rocking chair in the living room. Jack fell asleep last night to the baby's mobile... we were "practicing" for when she comes ;)
At my Dr appointment on Wednesday and my hippie Nurse Practitioner, Peggy said I was two centimeters dialated and effacing nicely, if one can do so ;) She seemed pretty confident that we're going to do this the natural way and I was elated for her professional opinion. We see the Dr again on Tuesday so if she's not here yet, we'll hear his opinion too. Apparantly in my chart it shows that if we haven't delivered by next Saturday he'd like to induce. I'm trying to meditate her out. I'm trying to walk her out. I would appreciate all the good vibes <3
We'll see how it goes...

Jan 15, 2009

t-ball and iv's

Jack started T-ball this week! Well, it's just t-ball skillz through the parks and rec but he had a really good time. It was nuts to see him around so many other little boys his size. I'm so used to him being our little pint size adult side kick ;)
We did sign him up for T-ball with the Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth League and we'll find out what team he's playing for when he's been "drafted" the first week of next month ;) So cute, drafting little guys. I guess there are like 12 t-ball teams! That's a lot of little ones! I wasn't able to volunteer for the snack bar since I plan on poppin this baby out soon. It'll still be a fun season and I'm soo looking forward to it!
Robert was awfully sick yesterday and just felt like crap all around. We ended up taking him to urgent care and I love Kaiser. Seriously, a ton of people in the waiting room but they were just cranking them out one by one. We only waited about 30 minutes before he was called back and evaluated. Then we saw the doctor within about 15 minutes. He took a quick look and put him on an IV right away. It was his first ever and he didn't dig it. At least we were able to watch LOST reruns in the triage area. The baby was obviously not keen on the situation because she sure as heck was kicking my butt. I started having a few contractions here and there but of course, that's just her practicing. I did worry for a minute while I was timing those bad boys but I figured that if it was gonna happen, it was gonna happen and I was surrounded by tons of doctors and nurses. Thankfully, the little miss was just kidding :) I'll be ecstatic when she finally does decide to make her grand entrance but I do hope that she waits until her daddy is feeling top notch :)

Jan 7, 2009

The Rest of 2008

Ugh, I've had the hardest time keeping up. It's one of my resolutions to attempt to keep a better running record of our family. In turn, I've started journals for Jack and Baby Booth, I'm trying to keep uploaded to our shutterfly family share site and once again, I'm going to attempt keeping up to date on the old blogspot here :)
It's the beginning of a new year and this past one has been very eventful for us.
-Robert and I are now working full time for ourselves. Sustaining our family and lifestyle strictly on the income provided by Rock Steady Productions, Inc!
-We start preparing for a big show for Ferrari in Montreal set to take place the first week of June.
-We made the annual River Trip with The Imbachs and The "Big" Booths (my in-laws and little sisters in law) took a vacation and hung out with us. We celebrated Tom's birthday at the Outback and enjoyed the quality time.
-We went to the Renn Faire up at the Santa Fe Dam and had a marvelous time as always. Baby Boy rocked the kilt for the second year in a row and was soo fly!
-I was super tired towards the end of the month and had no idea why. I attributed it to the excess amount of work brought on by Ferrari and my not so easy transitioning from Stay at Home Mama to Work at Home Mama... I had my suspicions as to the other causes of the sudden lethargy but was keeping it to myself knowing that we were set to drive to Montreal Canada the following week. Husband apparantly was on the same wave length and says... "I totally think you're pregnant" He was right :)
-Robert and J.R. drove from Los Angeles, CA to Montreal, Quebec in 2 1/2 days and successfully pulled off a fantastic show.
-Thank goodness I stayed home because as usual, when I'm pregnant, I was ridiculously sick for a few weeks. It gets to the point that I can't do anything at all. Thank goodness for Kaiser, I was able to get in to urgent care and they prescribed me with the Miracle Drug, Zofran. It's an anti-emitic and it did it's job. I was able to drink water again.
-My best friend, Brianna, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Maile Leinaala Aiau Mabry. She's goregeous and we adore her.
-We celebrated and did fireworks for the 4th. Jack got to help his dad light off the the fireworks.
-We went to Ontario to watch Price and Privillage, a musical presentation about the Pioneers and their trek to the Utah Valley. Mari did a solo and they all sounded so wonderful!
-We started preparing for a show in Las Vegas set to take place at the end of September.
-We barely survived the heat by swimming and jumping on the trampoline all summer. It was great fun when The Schlarbs joined us a few times!
-We found out that we were expecting a little girl! We're excited for our "one of each". My doctor is very supportive of a VBAC so that's what we'll be shooting for when she's due in January.
-Brina started back at CSUDH for her sophmore year of college.
-She works at AM Federal Credit Union and loves it.
-We took off to the Red Rock Hotel for Physio Control. Jack loved attending so much, he cried when we left the hotel. He and I got to be there for the run of the show and Jack loved being "little boss". It was an awesome two weeks.
-Jack enjoyed Ice Skating again this fall. Daddy got to come to class a few times which was really cool.
-Jack enjoyed Gymnastics with Leyla. We'll definitely be looking into a real gym, he loves it! I love that he gets all that energy out.
-Jack dressed up as Indiana Jones and went trick or treating with cousins, Roller Skating Diva Naima, Astronaut Elisha, and Raggedy Ann Leyla.
-We hosted Thanksgiving here at our house for the third year and had such fun with everyone over and helping. Yana, Cissy and Brina were invaluable in the kitchen!
-This is our favorite time of year and we were excited to be kicking it off here.
-Started off with our Annual Ornament Party which we held on my birthday this year. Always a good time!
-We celebrated Brina's 20th birthday by going to see Wicked at the Pantages with my Mom. It was fabulous as it should be.
-Jack had his 4th birthday party and had such a fun time. It was a Pirate Party and the kids enjoyed playing on his new Swing Set which was his present from Mom and Dad.
-We spent Christmas Eve traditionally with Gramma K and Papa Ron up in Pasadena and at LOTS of yummy food.
-Christmas Morning, we headed over to Grandpa and Oochie's (the Big Booths) for presents in the morning and then came home to have Christmas morning in our own living room. It was soo awesome! We enjoyed the time together.
-The Imbachs came out to the LB and we had a fun evening of visiting and gaming.
-New Years eve was quiet around here. We did stay up and watch the Ball drop with Cissy and Craig while munching on goodies.

So Now that I'm semi caught up, I'll be attempting to keep up regularly. With this new baby on the way we'll see how well I can stick to it. Hopefully, it'll be all good!

I'll post the link to our family share site with Shutterfly that has recent photos on it.
Otherwise, Us B's are fine and good!