"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Sep 29, 2011

Why walk when you can cartwheel?

HeaBug LOVES gymnastics. She has been going for a year now to AGA in Signal Hill. She was recently named Gymnast of the Month for the Mini's Class which is 18months - 3 years. After that, the coaches decided that she was ready to move up to the Mighties Class which is for 3-6 years. Yup, she's 2 1/2 still. She is so into it though. I love that she's challenged and her wonderful coaches are great with her.

To celebrate her achievements she got to pick out two new leotards since her pink/zebra one is getting too small. She now goes out on the floor without me since Mighties is not a parent and me program. She's amazing!

"Sports should always be fun" -Charles Mann

JT attended 49er Camp at CSULB again this year. HeaBug also did her first session of swim lessons there. Her lessons were 2 weeks and I scheduled them to coincide with JT's Camp. It was funny because most of the swimming teachers knew JT from Sports Camp. He's going to be that guys, the one who knows people where ever he goes.
 We were at the campus from 11-1 every day for two weeks. Swim from 11-11:30 lunch on the grass and then drop off the boy at camp. We enjoyed home packed lunches on our picnic blanket. Laying and looking at the clouds or playing catch, it was good quality time together.
 Hea built a lot of confidence in the water with Ms. Kristin. She is pretty fearless so we try and give her as many knowledge and experience gaining opportunities as possible so that she can go through life as safely as possible.

At the end of her lessons her teacher told her to get her towel and meet her at the office for a special surprise. HeaBug completely straight faced looked at me and said, "I hope it's a dolphin!" Silly Baby!

The last day of camp, parents and families are invited to come for the day to see all the physical units they've been working on. JT demonstrated his swimming skills, gymnastics (which we knew he was good at) elementary games, and soccer. We got to request a friend to be put in the same group and he chose R Man. They were in the same group last year and then went on to be in the same Kinder Class. Little Homies.

We're so grateful our kids are able to enjoy these opportunities. They're naturally athletic and we are so proud of them!

"Dumbledore's Man, through and through. That's right"

We surprised JT with an evening at the movies. HP7, coming to a close. JT has always been (thank goodness!) into "cool" movies. We knew that even if it was a little intense, JT would LOVE going to see it. Sho'nuff. The B's dig it! Here's the little boy bug fighting He Who Must Not Be Named.

Sep 17, 2011

"You may delay but time will not" -Ben Franklin

It's freaking me out that i cannot seem to sit down and catch up on blog posts. I'm doing an ok job over on the school site, posting about the current events. I have a sticky note on my desk top of all the things i have to write about. Not like people are dying to know what's up with us but this has become my official family journal and I really want to be able to look back at 2011 and see the cool things we did.

Breeze reminded me that she owes me one more "Blogcation" evening. I have to figure out when I'm free enough that I can take that and I have to do it asap.


Sep 5, 2011

The more I practice, the luckier I get. ~Jerry Barber

 Mr B and JT, doing the post camp recap.

JT attended Dirtbag Baseball Camp which was held at Cal State Long Beach. The baseball program at the college is quite impressive!

Dirtbags History
4 NCAA College World Series Appearances
18 NCAA Regional Appearances
5 Regional Titles
6 Big West Conference Titles
4 Big West Conference Player of the Year
14 First-Team All-Americans
15 USA National Team Players
2 USA National Team Coaches
36 Major League Players
16 Players in the MLB in 2010 season

From 9am to 4:30pm JT breathed baseball. He loved it so much that he still wanted to play catch when he got home. He was the youngest player participating and just about the smallest. The camp was in week long increments and had we know that you could do multiple weeks, we would have baseballed his entire summer! He gets along well with adults anyway but college guys get a kick out of him.  At the end of the week, he was presented with the Hustler Award, for working hard and always having energy and being willing to participate. JT was thrilled and we were super proud. Some of the coaches play for the Dirtbags and were signing gloves, hats, programs, you name it, at the last hour. What was awesome was that 3 coaches had JT sign their shirt and hat! The camp was intense but it only intensified his love for a game that he was born to play.

Even in the womb
Little f.y.i... in the delivery room, after my cesarean, the nurse brought JT up close to my face so that we could officially meet. He was crying and the only thing I could think to do was start singing "Take me out to the ballgame". Sweet thing stopped crying and gave me one of those 'oh, it's you, good' looks. Even if baseball is only something he does in his youth, if it brings him joy, mission accomplished!
Coming home from the hospital
Season ticket holder (ish)
Rally Cap time with Uncle Chris
Learning to run bases

Braves, with Coach Daddy
Dodgers, got him out at first
Twins, Sliding home

Go Dirtbags by the way. We're fans.

Sep 3, 2011

"You are my SonShine" -Author Unknown

After two years of growing his hair out, we decided that JT could use a little change. He'd been acting a little out of sorts, getting in trouble a lot. Our deal has always been, you can grow your hair out as long as you are good in school. Even though we're on summer break, we talked with Jack and he decided that we should go ahead and make the cut. After it was over, he just seemed so much older. Gone were his golden brown locks and in place seemed a new character. Once in the shower he called out past the curtain to tell us that without so much hair, he could do push ups easier!
He's been a much better listener and he told our neighbors father that it's because his brain can breathe a little easier now. The haircut combined with the purchase of new running shoes, he said he's faster, stronger, and a better listener. This boy is just the light of our life and we love him any way, shape or form!

"Age is an issue of Mind over Matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter" -Mark Twain

We had a small birthday party to celebrate my dad's birthday. Family, friends, gather and eat, sing, dance and talk story. 

Finadene, Ahi Poke, Teri Chicken, Pineapple with LiHing powder, Jello Cheesecake, Orange chocolate cake, and Pineapple Cream Cake. Not pictured but just as delicious, Kalua Pork, Potato Mac Salad, Rice, and Hawaiian Sun drinks. SOO yummo!

"Seeing death as the end of life is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean." -David Searls

On July 5, 2001 we bid farewell to Maraea Nahaku Kaioelawea Lua Kamae. Every year we make several trips up to visit her but always especially on the 5th. 10 years went by very quickly. Miss her still, glad for the things she taught us and the impression that she left on our lives.

"In summer, the song sings itself" -William Carlos Williams

We kicked off summer at home in the pool. We'd spent the last few weeks traveling so it was nice to get to be home and swim in our own pool. Welcome Summer!!

"Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better" -Albert Camus

4th of July we traditionally spend with the other Long Beach Booths. We spent the first part of the day with our friends from Baseball the Saenz's. Yummy food, time in the pool, good friends and good times.
We spent the afternoon playing and visiting and eating before shooting off fireworks. Always lots of fun!

Visiting Texas

We spent the last week of June and the first days of July in Texas. Our Cousin Katie was getting married and we attended the wedding which was just outside Houston. Being adventurous, Mr B, the kids and I flew from Long Beach into Austin where we rented a car and drove up to Arlington to meet and visit with our Aunt Mickey. A GREAT Aunt in every sense of the word, we enjoyed visiting with her.

 We ate some fantastic Texas BBQ and stayed at a hotel in Arlington near the Rangers Ball park and the new Cowboy Stadium. The next morning we decided to take a tour of Cowboy Stadium which was actually incredibly fun! There had just been an event on the field the night before so we weren't able to take a picture on the actual star but it was so cool. Even though we're Charger Fans, Go Bolts! (and JT our lone Raider fan... don't get me started) it was a neat experience to be in the locker room and down on the turf. The facility itself is still so new! Absolutely worth the $17 (kiddos were free).

After our tour, we drove down to Houston and checked in to our Hotel, the Hotel Magnolia it was beautiful boutique hotel in the heart of Downtown Houston. After checking in we changed in to our Astro Gear and walked over to Minute Maid Park to watch their game agains the Boston Red Sox. Stadium food was delicious, chili dogs, ice cream, cotton candy and diet cokes. Ugh so yummy!

After the game, a tough loss throughout which JT hard core rooted for the home team despite the unrelenting and passionate BoSox fans by which we were surrounded... we were treated to a fireworks show after they opened the retractable roof! It was insanely humid during our whole Texas experience. As soon as the roof opened up, we were drenched in sweat. Crazy how they were able to keep the interior of a space as large as a stadium fairly cool during the whole course of the game!

Our hotel featured complimentary Milk and Cookies every evening and we made in time to snag a few chocolate chip treats. Tired from yet another very full day (and the two hour time difference) kiddos went to bed without a single fuss. It was during this trip that we were trying to wean HeaBug off the  'Mommy helps you go to sleep' and this combined with our trip to Dove Mountain did great for that cause.

We attended the wedding the next day and afterwards explored the highway. We had to drive back to Austin to catch our plane the next day. In essence, we drove a giant triangle... From Austin, North to Arlington, South to Houston and back West to Austin. It was indeed a great adventure peppered with great food and fun. By the second day driving we had banned electronic devices, Leapster, iPad, iPhone i.e. all the things we'd brought to help us survive the car time. Funny thing was how they were just as occupied counting churches and water towers. Since the little miss is potty training as well, we had almost hourly stops for bathroom breaks. We tried buffalo jerky, venison, buttermilk pie, cobbler, and lots of other roadside treasures.

After flying home from Austin we got to get a peek in the Jet Blue cockpit. The pilots were awesome and let JT and HeaBug sit up front and play with all the controls they wanted. We really enjoyed our time in Texas but as soon as we stepped off the plane we were so happy to be back in Long Beach and the beautiful weather!