"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Jan 24, 2009

Come out, Come out!

So the baby is due today. We've run errands and walked ALL over the place. How many babies are actually born on their due dates anyway? Well, I was.
I was thinking that I'll not mind that she's taking her sweet time. Everyone keeps asking if I'm feeling anything though and then asking if I'm sure... like I'm keeping a secret. It's kinda funny. I don't really mind, we're all pretty excited. Finally got a diaper bag today and a sling. Rob thinks it's a dumb hippie thing but he indulged me with a super cute sling nonetheless. Aw love. I've heard a lot of benefits to baby wearing so I'm interested to try. We've got a jillion diapers and plenty of wipes. The re-chargeable batteries are on the charger now ready to go into the swing that's all set up and by the rocking chair in the living room. Jack fell asleep last night to the baby's mobile... we were "practicing" for when she comes ;)
At my Dr appointment on Wednesday and my hippie Nurse Practitioner, Peggy said I was two centimeters dialated and effacing nicely, if one can do so ;) She seemed pretty confident that we're going to do this the natural way and I was elated for her professional opinion. We see the Dr again on Tuesday so if she's not here yet, we'll hear his opinion too. Apparantly in my chart it shows that if we haven't delivered by next Saturday he'd like to induce. I'm trying to meditate her out. I'm trying to walk her out. I would appreciate all the good vibes <3
We'll see how it goes...

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