"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Mar 26, 2009

seven, braves, and boats

Well, the baby is seven weeks old today! She's been great, hates her car seat thus far (we've put far less miles on the Outlook this past month), she gets pretty gassy :/ but adores her baths!

Jack Jack played his opening day T-ball game on March 7th. They had a pancake breakfast and a parade. All the little guys looked SOO cute in their uniforms. He's had two games a week since then and is really enjoying himself. We're enjoying it too, it's our first "team" sport and Rob's having fun helping out as an assistant coach. We're making new friends and so is Jack.
He's getting ready to start pre-school next month. Even though it's mid year, I think he'll really benefit from hanging out with kids his own age. He'll be off for the summer and then start pre-k in the fall. Jack's being a great big brother, he helps give Nohea her pacifier and get's diapers and wipes for Mom and Dad when we're changing her. He's our handwashing monitor and does an AWESOME job at it. He's such a big helper and we're so proud of him.

Robert got quite the family present last week. A 20ft '94 teal maxum ski boat! We're excited to take it out on the water and are really looking forward to the coming summer. What fun!

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