"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Jun 2, 2009

May is all pau

Playing Catch Up...
I was awful at blogging this month. We just had so much going on. Here are a few highlights that I didn't get a chance to blog about :)

I had a great visit with my friend Brianna and her sweet baby girl (who's almost 1!) Maile. It was nice to just get in some visiting since there always seems to be something going on.
Gotta make time for girlfriends! <3

(Me and Brianna '07) (Me, Maile and Nohea)
We visited my cousin Kimisue and her lillo-ones at their new apartment! Yay for the new place!
silly kiddos! and silly auntie!

I got to get in some quality visiting with my sister in law Adriana (check out and while we chatted, the young'uns horsed around! Love these guys to pieces!! I can't believe how fast they're growing!

Jack had his last T-ball Game and the whole fam came out to support him! Thanks so much for cheering him on this season. He had a ton of fun being part of the Braves!

Nohea rolled over for the first time! It was to her left and toward a silly Auntie Nini!

We got to spend some time with Tom (Robert's dad) while he was on a short break from the "Walking With Dinosaurs" tour. They came down to Bob's Hawaiian Restaurant (where my dad plays music every Friday) and had some onolicious dinner with us.

Love my mom and sister, Part of our Booth Ohana, Silly Grandpa, Oochie knows it ;) Nohea, her daddy and his daddy ;)

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