"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Aug 23, 2009

Summer's almost gone...

This summer has brought us a wide variety of experiences! As the end of August approaches I figured I ought to catch up on what has been keeping the Booth Ohana busy lately.

July 11th (the morning before Robert's baptism) We held a baby shower for my brother Keola and his Girlfriend, Amanda. We made a diaper cake and played funny games, ate some YUMMO food and decorated in a very green fashion (we hung baby clothes on a line with clothes pins, it was super cute).

There was a diaper raffle which was won by their friend Emily Jane. Two movie tickets and a $50 gift card to Lucille's! It was good fun and we were all anxiously awaiting the arrival of Little Anthony!

We didn't have to wait too long, he made his arrival on Thursday, July 23rd! He's such a cutie and we're so happy to have Teeny Kalani Man join us! His name is Anthony Richard Keola o'Kalani Kamae and he was 7lbs 9oz and 19 1/2 inches long. We <3 him!

Nohea is now officially eating solid foods. I heart my magic bullet and have made all of her food myself (YAY). She's been enjoying good ole applesauce, carrots, peaches, mango, papaya, poi, peas, bananas, rice cereal, oatmeal, cream of wheat, yogurt (frozen kine too), clam chowder, green beans and wild rice, chicken carbonara (Nohea says thanks Auntie) and zucchini! She likes to drink ice water out of her sippy cup too. She's getting SO big and growing SO fast. She rolls all over the place (until she get's stuck). I came into the living room the other morning and couldn't see her. I had a split second panic until I heard her from under the rocking chair! We now set up pillow barricades ;) She sits up for long periods of time and is trying SO hard to get up on her knees to crawl. She cut her first tooth last week and still loves to chew on everything!

Jack Jack broke his leg on August 3rd! He was on the trampoline and his uncle tried to "double bounce" him and he came down on his food and said he felt a "crack like a cracker mommy!". Luckily we had Uncle Craig here and as he was checking him over Jack cried, "Just give me a band aid and some bactine and some tylenol and I'll be fine" (through the tears mind you). We had him lay down for a little while and he was still pretty hysterical. Uncle Craig gave him a blessing and then Robert and I took him to the emergency room. He was still crying so much in the car and kept asking me to sing him some songs. When we pulled up outside the emergency room he asked if we could say a prayer for him to be strong like Nephi. I did just that, asking Heavenly Father to give him comfort and help him not be afraid, For strength and courage and Jack listened so intently. I love how teeny people have such enormous faith, he was crazy brave all during xrays and being moved twice. We found out that he fractured his tibia just up under the knee. He was put in a thigh high cast for up to six weeks. We're going back on the 1st to have it cut off and have another xray done. Hopefully he'll be all healed up. He got tiny crutches and gets around SO well. Half the time he just hops on one foot! The Drs. at the orthopedic office took his picture because they've never seen someone so small get around so well on crutches. Since then, he gets around at home fine, at church fine, even at Disneyland! I did take the double stroller for him to be able to ride though :) He's been such a trooper but I know he's just itching to get outside and run and play!!

Otherwise, we've been good. We're looking forward to going out on the boat a few more times before it gets chilly. We're trying to stay busy with work and have Fall Ball coming up. Robert was also called to be the Asst. Cub Scout Master which we are all super excited about! We've been going out with the Missionaries to visit people too. We took the bike out to one of these lessons and I got a mean burn on my leg when i was climbing off the bike. New rule for Kryssie: No Church Clothes on the Motorcycle LOL!! We've also been finding time to go to the gym together, we've always enjoyed being work out buddies but with the baby and everything it was difficult to find the time. We try hard to to it although typically it means our workouts are at about 10 or 11pm. Thank goodness we go to 24 hr fitness ;) We're looking forward to getting ourselves physically fit again and as silly as it sounds, are having a fun time doing it!

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