"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Mar 29, 2010

Unable are the loved to die, for love is Imortality- Emily Dickinson

Dawn March 17, 1982 - Twilight March 20, 2010

Justin Alexander had a larger than large spirit.
But even fighting the good fight, he lost the battle to cancer. We were so honored to attend his memorial service last Saturday. The tone throughout the service was one of celebration. The large church and over flow areas were packed to the hilt full of people that this amazing man had touched. Some people we knew and many we didn't but we were all there, together, bound by the esteem in which we held him and the love that we had for this man.

He and Mr. B were tight in school. Stage crew guys just had this thing that knitted them together. Justin had Mr. B's back when he got jumped after the Indian show, countless midnight Denny's excursions, late night BBQ's in Anaheim after football games... The night before their HS graduation, they took bolt cutters to the gate at the football field and attempted to bleach 2000 in the grass. It didn't show up until a few days after grad ;) They worked with each other at Mendenhall for a bit a few years ago and I'm sure at times gave in to "boys being boys" and got in their fair share of mischief. There's so much more between the two of them that I can't attempt to have Mr. B relive for me right now. He's got a life time to think back privately and remember his friend. I was proud to call him my friend too. He was Uncle Justin to our son JT (who still talks about his Uncle that used to let him "drive" the forklift).

He stood up at our wedding. Wearing Blue Chucks, just like everyone else, since he was such a good sport. We laugh still when we remember how he had taped the soles and lined the insides with plastic so he could return them to the store. He'd never wear 'em again.

January 26, 2002 - Our Wedding, David Starr Jordan High School Theatre

2004 Las Vegas, Kamae Family Reunion
I regret us not being more present for him near the end. We both do. There are simply no excuses. Raising a family and starting a business might make you feel like your hands are full but in retrospect... your hands are never too full to hold the hand of a friend.
An amazing spirit was called home to a Heavenly Father who loves him and knows him by name.
Justin Alexander was the epitome of what a friend is. He was a very good man and this world isn't the same without him although the stars seem brighter now.

March 17th 2010 -28 years old

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