"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Aug 3, 2011

Gone but never forgotten -Remembering on Father's Day

June 2011
Father's Day

This year, we spent father's day taking the kids to honor their grandfathers that have passed on. We visited the grave of "Papa Booth". Mr B's grandfather and Great Grandpa to JT and Hea Bug. He was very important in our lives and I'm grateful for the time that we were able to spend with him. I'm grateful that my children knew and loved him well.

We also took them to see "Grandpa Jack" for whom JT is named. It was their first visit and we try to come often enough that they will remember to honor those that are no longer with us and what they gave us. I never got the opportunity to meet Grandpa Jack since he died when Mr. B was only 10. I feel like I know the man that he was through stories though and us B's try to pass that on to our own children.

I worried that Mr. B might feel left out considering we weren't making a huge deal about him. But he enjoyed talking to the kids about their Grandfathers, the men that they were and the things that they did for him and taught him. It's not always an easy thing to pop up and say, "let's go to the grave site today" but I think he was glad that we got to do that for them and for the kids.

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