"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Oct 25, 2011

Lobsterfest with GG

Grandma GG came to visit and wanted to take the great grandkids and grandgirls out for lunch and playtime at the park. Never wanting to miss out on time spent with GG, Mr. B and myself joined them for a day of fun.
After time at Cinderella Park where they all played to their hearts content, GG came with us to LA Ports O Call for Lobsterfest!
 Music, food trucks, booths, and whole Maine Lobster dinners for under $20. It  was definitely an interesting and yummy experience. We parked in a lot and caught one of the free buses to the entrance. After grubbing down on three lobsters (shared by all of us) and googling whether or not you are supposed to eat the "green poop looking" stuff on the inside, we tasted a little chowder from the lobster truck and some seafood gumbo. JT likes gumbo but didn't care for the seafood variation of it.

Before calling it a night and catching the bus back to the car, we bought some blackberry cobbler and some banana pudding. It was all SO delicious! Can't wait til next year. We were so glad that GG was able to spend the WHOLE day with us! JT and HeaBug especially love their Great Grandma Booth!

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