"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Jan 26, 2012

"Ever After" Kind of Living

We could start by saying Once Upon a Time but that's how fairy tales begin... And those aren't generally true. 
Back in the day, when were were young... but we're not kids anymore...

We were kids though. Kids who became friends then kids who fell in love. 
I went to see scary movies (which I hate) so that I could sit next to him and hold his arm in terror.
He took me to Disneyland for my 16th birthday.
He took me to sushi for the first time and all I ate was rice. (that has changed)
He is who I kissed when the world was fearing Y2K.
He told me to get a job. Then he got me a puppy.
He took me to the prom, in a dress he had made for me by a costume designer friend. He gave me a necklace that I still wear every day (and through every important life event). We only danced to one song.

I knew I would be his wife.
On January 26, 2002 I laced up my blue converse tennis shoes and put on my white dress. We walked our own aisles of the Jordan Theatre to the stage that we met on and this is what we said:

I, take you, to be my very best friend. I promise to support you in everything you do, to stand by you in good times and in bad. To believe in you, to trust in you and to honor you. I promise to love you until the end of time.

People were so skeptical because the idea of marriage isn't so optimistic anymore. 
We looked like kids up there in front of our family and friends.
It's not right for everyone and I'm not an advocate of marrying young by ANY means, but it was right for us. We were still seeds and with sunshine just happened to grow into the same kind of flower.

We have embraced the adventure of marriage knowing it requires constant care, attention, and work.
It's a very conscious decision that we remake often. 

We've seen marvelous sights.
Lost some very dear to us.
Gotten lots of tattoos.
Been embraced by God's good love.
Sealed our family for eternity.

Our life has grown by two amazing children.
Each bringing light, joy, and a few years of sleep deprivation.
Mostly they make us laugh.
And they eww when we kiss... which we still do a lot.

We've started a business. 
Out of our garage, our computer and two credit cards...
Rock Steady was born.

We work together, we live together, we sleep together, we parent together.
We don't tire of the company. It's nice to not only love each other but to truly like each other.
We're friends.

We work hard to live the life that we want. It doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful.

We still go on dates. He'll surprise me with flowers. I'll surprise him with Red Bull ;)
We are still adventuring. We've only just begun. There's a lot for us to see and do and experience, but we are doing it together.

To my guy Mr. B. I'm so glad to be Mrs. B.
Thanks for balancing out my crazy.
I love you.

1 comment:

Ryan and Crystalee said...

This is so sweet! You're a lovely writer, Kryssie. Thanks for sharing your story. You guys sure a great together!