"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Mar 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Cakestina!

My Lovely and Amazingly Talented, Beautiful, Caring, Witty, Bright, Trustworthy, Kind, Funny, Smart, Silly Friend Cakestina had a birthday. We at lots of dessert and sang the Birthday Song. Several times. And VERY loudly. Cuz that, party people, is how war roll.

 After a planned evening of laser tag and dessert went belly up thanks to a fraternity party... We made due with ordering the entire dessert menu at Lucille's to go, dragging couches and lounge chairs around the LB Town Center and visiting and eating near the outdoor fireplace.

<-- Cakestina and her Man <3

we love us some M's
it's nice to have someone who you can be silly with. even as an adult.

chocolate cake, bread pudding, red velvet, apple cobbler, ice cream, biscuits, apple butter... yeah. it was yum.

1 comment:

Cakestina said...

birthdays with friends are the bestest no matter how interrupted they get by frat parties!!! <3 ya girlie!!!!