"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Jun 20, 2012

Wray-Rays tie the knot

Wishes of happiness and laughter to our dear friends the John and Al 
who tied the knot and became the Wray-Rays. 

We were excited to be on hand to watch these two FINALLY get married! They are some of the coolest cats we know. The wedding itself paid homage to tradition but like the Wray-Rays was anything but. There were custom sodas, a cake bar, a popcorn wagon, photo booth, yummy eats and lots of laughs. They both looked radiant. And happy. That's a good sign

assorted homemade butters. honey, garlic and herb. yeah. i love butter. i love these guys

cake bar. oh my
us b's. here to support the wray-rays

For crazy fabulous pictures of this couple and their amazing wedding, check out Robert Paetz

We LOVE us some Andrew and Maria <3

trouble makers

Congrats to John and ALisa. Thank you for outfitting my daughter in pink cowboy boots, indulging my sons helpless crushes, being so cool and being our friends. we really do love you.

Custom Art by MandasArtStudio

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