"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Mar 15, 2013

JT's Dinosaur Report

JT was assigned to do a dinosaur report. He chose the Velociraptor. I helped him navigate how to open the windows on the computer and guided him as he did his own research. He had the option to hand write the 5 paragraphs on this informational report or to type it. He chose typing. We sat there and I had him place his hands on the home-row keys. (He knows a little about it since he's started learning to type thanks to a fabulous and free BBC website!) I walked him through most letters... T, index finger, left hand up, H, index finger right hand out, E, middle finger left hand up... You get the idea. But he typed every bit himself.
He also had to put together a diorama. We spent an afternoon and went to the book store in hopes of finding something in the clearance area that we could cut up and use pieces of but we had NO luck! We did find some fun things at Michaels, river rocks, glitter glue, confetti and desert plants (thank you California Mission Project kids). So Mr. B picked up some sand paper from lowes and we printed out a desert landscape picture and glued that to the back. Our pair of velociraptors came courtesy of Amazon Prime. I penciled out the layout for JT and gave the boy a glue gun. There were only a few things I had to re-glue but he did it! It's really important for me that he does his own and takes responsibility for his own projects. They don't always come out as cool as "I" would want them but they are his own work and he can be proud of that. I think there's more to be taken away from that for him in the long run than something pretty that his parents did for him. Way to go JT, he got an excellent grade on his project and we got to see it displayed at Open House.

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