"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Jul 25, 2013

Blogging Dry Spells... trying to get back on the horse.

It's nothing new. The apologies for slacking on the blog. Its really just me I'm apologizing too. And maybe my mom (Hi Mom).

It starts like this... You get so caught up and feel so great about being so efficient with your blogging/family journaling. And then you don't take the photos off of your good camera. Or you leave your laptop in your office. On purpose because your husband is tired of you spending your "downtime" together listening as you clack away on the keyboard and occasionally looking up as someone dies on Game of Thrones and saying "whaaa happened?" Yeah. So the computer has been taking extended stays at the shop.

If I take the computer home to blog, I'm inevitably going to get an email about school, PTA, site council, board, a program you're chairing, an invoice that needs to get paid, an appointment that needs to be made or a reminder because you forgot. That will mean replying otherwise you'll forget to do so later. I'll check Facebook... not pinterest because I'm off that... for the most part. I'm a recovering pinnaholic. I'll see what's going on on Yahoo. I'll reply to the lame requests from a Facebook group that I agreed to moderate because on occasion I forget how to say no. Seriously... Why has no one taken down this ad that someone's FB page posted to the closed group site?! It's been 3 hours why am I still seeing the ad?! Hello, Moderator? Whaa-waaa no class supply list? Somewhere in the world there are kids with no classrooms! Somewhere across the city there are classes that will share 10 glue sticks and you want to complain because you don't know if you should buy your kid #2 pencils or mechanical pencils? Those are WhitePeopleProblems...

If I don't blog for a while once I start to type/ramble it all just comes spilling out in a mess.

I'm going to try and gather my thoughts together... go through the painful and lengthy process of uploading 800 pictures that assist in telling my story and accent the blog book that prints at the end of each year. (BtW I haven't printed out 2012 yet because I'm still back posting, in chronological order our fabulous 10th anniversary trip to NY and the Caribbean) (BTW/BTW... We'll be married for 12 years in 5 months) s-l-a-c-k-e-r... in the blogging department because in the wifey department I'm a friggin rockstar.

Happy Trails y'all. Until I get my shizz together. (fingers crossed that's pretty soon)

xo mrs b

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