"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Nov 1, 2013

Happy Halloween

This Halloween, JT dressed up as Harry Potter (he is a giant fan... Proud nerd mom). HeaBug was a tiger. Not just any tiger though. She was Kitty Purry. The tiger from Katy Perry's music video Roar. Which is HeaBug's current and most favorite song.
Auntie Nini came over to help get the kids ready and to bring them some special treats!

We trick or treated to our immediate neighbors while waiting for Mr. B to get home from work. Our neighbors are are incredibly sweet and put together little packages of goodies for my Booth Bugs. 
Mr B made it home and put on his costume so we could head to a party that we were invited to.
Mine were the only kids at the party (and they are fine with that). HeaBug went into full entertainer mode and JT shook the cape and scarf after a bit and just mingled with his IBC in hand. This guy.
We offered to take them trick or treating around the neighborhood we were in and so we went. About 6 houses in, both kids said they just wanted to go back to the Wray-Rays lol. 
It was lots of fun though and the food was TASTY! I could park next to some fondue for hours, yum!
Thanks to the Wray-Rays for hosting and inviting and entertaining our minis. It was lots of fun and sure beat the headache or racing/chasing/blocking other kids from knocking yours down/inevitable rudeness that comes with traditional trick or treating haha. This was Definitely much more fun!
Dr Wray-Ray had to show HeaBug that the blood in the bathroom wasn't real. HeaBug said it could have been because she is a real doctor and could cut people and get blood... Oh this girl.
Grandpa and Oochie were at the partay too!
Rock Steady Guys. Don is borrowing HeaBug's tiger head.
That's a lot of muscles!
At some point, she hopped into their recycling basket by the door and was asking people if they wanted to adopt a cute tiger kitty.
She cracks me up.
Kids were tired when we got home. They didn't even look at their candy until the next morning. HeaBug proceeded to sort  into categories (chocolate with nuts/without, fruity chewy, chips and pretzels, hard candy...). We hung on to it for a few days and then chucked it. 
Yay for Halloween!

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