"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Apr 27, 2009

Mortenson, Major and Jack.

For the past few months, we've had this pair of missionaries, Elder Mortenson and Elder Major. They stop by occasionally to see my parents and it seemed, started stopping by even when they weren't home. Now we're all for feeding these boys that are away from home and their mamas, Robert likes to offer them a coke, like it's some big deal (they never accept). Rob asks that they keep their "preaching to a minimum" and will chat these guys up about home and their families. So when Elder Mortenson and Elder Major started dropping by more frequently, we were both a little thrown off... until we realized that they were coming by to visit the coolest kid, Jack. Probably once every week or two (depending on where their previous appointments were) the missionaries would stop by before riding home and visit with us for a half hour or so. Funny how they always seem to show up around dessert time ;) or it could just be that as a mom, I've got this instinct to feed them...

As soon as any Elder walks through the door, Jack runs off to his room to get enough artillery for all of them and himself out of his weapons drawer. (yes, my kid has a weapons drawer and another on for ammo.) There have been times that I've said "NO NERF!" cuz I'm over finding little orange darts EVERYWHERE... At which point, my resourceful son comes out with pirate swords, daggers, Indiana Jones whip and the occasional rocket launcher (seeing as the foam rocket is yellow and not orange so according to Jack "it's not even Nerf mom").

They shoot eachother and play for a while in brother/uncle mode (both elders are the third of four brothers at home) before getting back to Missionary mode. Elder Major (on the right) was just transferred out of my parent's ward last week. Jack is definitely going to miss him. He goes home in November while Elder Mortenson is out for a little more than a year still. Funny how some missionary memories will stick with us always. These are guys that Jack's always going to remember.


Fred & Shenna Frost said...

I love these elders too!! lol All 6 of them (before they changed it to 4 just last week) come over our house every Saturday for correlation meeting with my husband (he's the ward mission leader) and they are definitely an awesome bunch of elders...I think I have that same instinct to feed them too lol...and last month when the 'sign-up' calendar came around...they came up to me and said "Hey Sister Frost, look...we saved all of our Saturday's for you!" lol Before Elder Major left, they had dinner with us again and he mentioned the people he would miss...and Jack was one he said he would miss the most. Ü

Beckie said...

very cute! I love that he has a weapons drawer. and there is something special about missionaries and kids.