"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Apr 27, 2009

To cloth? or not to cloth?

So recently (as in this last week) I've been giving more thought to cloth diapering. When Jack was first born, my mother in law Kate, got us a diaper service for 3 months. The diapers were your standard prefolds and covers, the service would come and pick the dirty ones up, launder them and drop clean ones off. Sadly, we gave up quickly (without much effort on my part even *sigh*). We were younger then and both preparing to go back to work outside the home and gave in to Pampers Swaddlers (which I LOVED with Jack)
But since then, a mere four years ago, there have been so many innovations in the world of cloth diapering that makes it easier for your average family to do it. I've decided to give it a try with our little Nohea (No-Hay-Uh). I'm fed up with blow outs (yes, I'm talking good ole breastfed baby poo) and would rather constantly throw diapers in the wash, that are supposed to be that dirty, than continue risking all her cute clothes. We've tried several society trusted brands and have still been pretty dissapointed. They say no two babies are the same and boy do "they" mean it!
So I've purchased three Bumgenius 3.0 pocket diapers...
in blossom, grasshopper and moonbeam (aren't the colors SOO cute?) to try it out and see how it goes. I'm dreaming of what to do with the money that we'll save in the long run not having to buy disposables. Please let this work, for the sake of the environment and for the sake of my pocket book ;)

Looking at our situation now, with Nohea (No-Hay-Uh [ya heard me... it's just that some don't know how it's pronounced]) we've really developed our own parenting style that works for us. We both are able to mostly work from home, we both get to spend a lot of quality time with each of our children and with eachother, we both know that many things (especially when it comes to baby) are beyond our direct control and have learned how to go with the flow, something that was really difficult when we had our first baby. My mom says I'm a lot more relaxed with her than I was with Jack even though she's more high maintenance at times, but hey what girl isn't? LOL... We're pretty attachment style if someone really needed to classify it.
We exclusively breastfeed, semi co-sleep (she's in her crib for the first 4 or 5 hours and then snuggles up next to mom where she enjoys unrestricted night time nursing... thank goodness i finally figured out how to nurse lying down, it really helps with the daytime zombie look that i was sporting before) babywear, she LOVES her sling...
especially with daddy (yes, he's my perfect man and will laugh that this pic is on the internet)
don't believe in letting little babies CIO (cry it out) and see her crying as a form of communication, not manipulation...("Mama, I am hungry!")

seems cloth diapering would naturally fit in . Who'd have thought we'd turn out so tree huggin' and crunchy? I like it. We'll see how it all works out. Here's hoping!

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