"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Oct 26, 2009

catching up... yet again.

Well, time is always getting past me. Literally! It's going by too fast! Since my last post there's been a lot happening with us.

Robert- Hard working husband is still working hard. He's enjoying his calling as Cub Scout Master at our Church and always looks forward to Tuesdays. He's taking being a Home Teacher very seriously and tries to get out as often as he can to see one of the 27 on his list... He's pretty ambitious ;) He's planted more grass on the side walk side of our front yard and it's growing in nicely. He's been working on his right sleeve too. It looks AMAZING! He's got one more session to go to really hem it all up.

Me- Keeping busy, Nohea and Jack make that not so hard to do. I help Rob with scouts and now have a calling of my own, I'm the primary teacher for the Valiant 11-12 girls. I'm having a lot of fun getting to know these young ladies. It's funny because while I do try to be as nice an polite as possible, I'm never really worried that people "aren't going to like me"... except these girls, I was SUPER nervous my first Sunday! Otherwise, I realized how slacker I've been on keeping up with my fam blogging... No more typing games on Facebook HAHA!!

Jack Jack- He's started School!! He's in Pre-K at Perry Lindsey, It's not the Little Owl School that we were waiting for (for ages) but this one is completely built (LOL) and is offered free because he's one of the 4 year olds that just missed the kinder deadline. He won't turn 5 until December 19 and I think to start in CA, you have to be 5 by December 1st. He's really enjoying it!
He's always inventing things or making things. He is still an AWESOME big brother and talks our ears off!! He just has a lot to say :)

Nohea- She's got 3 teeth! She's officially crawling and MAN she's fast!! She says Mamamamama, Moh (more), Bah (ball), Kk (Jack), Guh (Maga), and purses her lips when she wants to nurse. She stands against everything and seems to have no fear of falling, you can just see her little mind trying to figure out "how" to fall. She's friendly and waves and smiles at just about everyone. She is amazing and we love watching her grow!

I'm going to try SUPER hard not to slack so much again! Try is the operative word here ;)

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