"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Nov 13, 2009

The Lady Bug and Wolverine

We enjoyed Halloween this year with a Trunk-or-Treat at our Church and then some Trick or Treating with Our Brother and Sister-in-Law and their children.

Jack was "Wolverine/Logan" from X-men Origins. Robert made his claws out of spray painted chopsticks, gloves and hot glue. Jack LOVES them. He was sure that when his dad sprayed them, he turned them into actual "adamantium" ;)

I made Nohea and myself some No Sew tutus and we had fun being Mommy/Baby Lady Bugs. The night of Trunk or Treat was so super cold and windy. There was a great turnout as it was a combined activity for all the wards in our building.

Halloween this year was on the last Saturday before Daylight Savings Time. My munchkins actually fell asleep in the car on our way to meeting the Schlarbs! We had to wake them up but they sure did enjoy an hour or so of door to door. Hope your Halloween was great too!

Me, Jack and Nohea with Shenna and Mady Frost at Trunk Or Treat

Abby and Judith came too with Grandpa and Oochie!

Cousins, Elisha (Samwise Gamgee) Jack (Wolverine) Naima (Vampiress) and Nohea (Lady Bug)

Jack and Nohea just before Trick Or Treat!

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