"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Apr 18, 2010

Huzzah! Such a way to spend such a "faire" day!

I think in the last 10 years we've only missed one year at the faire. The Southern California Renaissance Faire comes every spring from April to May. It's open each Saturday and Sunday from 10-7 and it's AMAZING fun! It's stepping back through time where you're greeted with "Good Morrows" and thanked with "Grammercies". Leave a dollar in any vendors basket and they'll go mad yelling "Hazzaar to the generous giver!!" Lots of people dress up, we even did a few years ago (see below).

There are actors roaming that have assumed roles as nobles or common folk. There's undoubtedly a Spartan or two (not hired... just regular Joes) casually hanging out ready to pose for pictures with anyone who asks. Last year we ran into a guy in his Star Trek uniform who had obviously just beamed in for the day (Bri had to take a picture with him).

Renn Faire '09

The food is one of the BEST parts!! Banana chocolate crepes and cream puffs were a delicious breakfast and the rest of the day followed suit with steak on a stake, broccoli cheddar and clam chowder in bread bowls, coconut sorbet in a coconut shell, apple slices with caramel and graham crackers, root beer floats, steamed artichoke, curly fries and topping the day off was Sin on a Stick... which roughly translated is Frozen Chocolate Covered Cheesecake on a stick ;)

We strolled around, not minding the dust or the half naked folks that the faire tends to attract. First stop is always at Greenman Florals for head wreaths. He makes over a thousand each year and we've accumulated quite the collection. We got smiles and waves from "Queen Elizabeth" and a brief history lesson from her governess Lady Katherine Ashby. Both kids enjoyed the parades of the queen's court.

We played in the bubble yard and swung on a GIANT swing! Hea Baby finally napped while we watched the subtle and not so subtle jokes and tricks of Broon. JT and Auntie Nini got their archery on and JT wisely chose to spend his money on a mahogany wand (since he's been cut off from buying weapons).

I perused all the different costume shops trying as best as I can to get ideas for sewing new costumes for JT and Mr B... maybe even a new dress for me and something cute for Hea Baby. I've got ambitious intentions for this sewing machine ;) we'll see how that translates into reality.

Always a good time, the Renn Faire is the place to be if you're cool. haha, but really, you should go.

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