"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Apr 16, 2010

even HIS grass is beautiful.

Mr B and I had the opportunity to finally put our limited temple recommends to use! We tagged along with the Imbachs (who were taking the youth of their ward) to the LA temple and were honored and privileged to each get to do 10 baptisms for the dead. All y'all non mormons are at the "What the heck?!" moment... i gotcha... here ya go.
I tried so hard to remember some of the names for the women who's ordinances I was performing but the only 4 that have stuck with me are Opal, Edith, Mary and Elizabeth.
I bore my testimony in Sacrament Meeting last week and I shared the experience that we had at the temple. The last time I'd gone was to do BFTD when I was 12 or 13. We were excited to go in. We walked the grounds as we waited for the Ontario gang. Seriously, even the grass is beautiful.
We went in and presented our limited temple recommends (yay!). The girls and guys separated to go and change into (very unflattering but it isn't about looking cute eh?) jumpsuits. When we were done, everyone was in white and we waited our turn and watched the others go before us. I was talking with these teenagers and asked if they'd done this before. Most of them had and responded casually. I couldn't contain my excitement and asked, "aren't you more excited? you're in god's house, doing god's work!?"... Crazy "old" (well compared to being 15) lady ;)
I can't explain the spirit that I felt there. It was awesome.

I'm so excited and prepared to be sealed to my family this summer. I can't think of any greater gift that God could offer than eternal life with your family.

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