"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Dec 13, 2012

AGA Holiday Show 2012

The AGA Holiday show is something our kids have been participating in for the last 3 years. They both thoroughly enjoy gymnastics, their coaches and their pals. HeaBug is on the Hot Shots, 
a pre-competition team that teaches her the team mentality in addition to learning new skills.
HeaBug's team danced to "She's a Lady" by Tom Jones. Oh My Gosh. Oh My Gosh. 
It was ridiculous cute.

I'm so consistently impressed at the skill levels of the girls at our gym. HeaBug totally looks up to them and the sweetest thing is they take care of her too. During the 3 (THREE!) shows that they performed in, she only came to ask me for help with something twice. Here's HeaBug with one of her coaches, Ms. Nicole. I love seeing how much they've grown! 
and for good measure

Part of being on the team is at the end of the show, ALL the team girls participate in one big finale. Our HeaBug was one of a few that got to be a part of the opening when they performed to 
Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas"

JT performed with his group to "White Christmas" by the Drifters.

He's getting really good at his round offs and can do pushups for days. 

This is one of their coaches, Ms. Whitney. They LOOOOVE her to bits! Both of them. 

It was such fun to have so many people there supporting the kids. They work really hard at their activities so to have events like the holiday show where they can show what they've learned, it's really exciting for them.

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