"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Dec 31, 2012

Christmas Eve in our new home

This was our first Christmas eve in our new home. We have, in years past, always gone up to GK and Papa Ron's house.  Christmas 2010 Christmas 2011 They moved to Fresno this summer and that is significantly further than our traditional drive to Pasadena. As a result, we kept very close to home.
Uncle Edward came over for dinner so did Maga and Tutu. We spent the day cooking and just appreciating all of our blessings.

We made Chocolate Pie and Pumpkin Pie. Au Gratin Potatoes (Pioneer Woman Recipe Here)  and a Cranberry Feta Salad

The Roast Beef was what I was truly concerned about. Up until the very last minute we were planning to make a seafood pasta. Scallops, shrimp, linguine. Mr. B said how much he always enjoyed having a traditional meat and potatoes dinner. So we scrapped the shopping list and decided to go that route. We kept it simple, straight roast beef tenderloin, the potatoes, herbed bread and a salad. Despite my anxiety, the meat turned out just right. Everyone enjoyed dinner.

We cracked poppers, played with our prizes, told jokes and answered trivia questions.

The kids hopped on Skype and were able to chat with GK and Papa Ron. They sent a box down with special gifts for them so it was nice to be able to video chat with them and open those gifts together.

GK's sister Aunt Becky, happened to stop by just as the kids were Skyping with the grandparents so she got to say hi too.It is always a pleasure visiting with her!
They had a great time opening gifts from Maga and Tutu, Aunt Becky and GK and Papa Ron. It was super late by the time we started getting ready for bed!
The kiddos got changed into their new jammies and set out cookies and milk for Santa and some carrots for his reindeer. They got all snug as a bug in a rug in their beds and drifted off to visions of sugarplums. We enjoyed following Santa on Norad and Google. 
The big guy stopped by our house, helped fill some stockings and left a gift for JT and HeaBug.
He also left notes to each one telling them what things they should work on and what they did well thought the year. It's because he loves them.

Stockings hung by the chimney with care.

Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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