"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Oct 15, 2012

LA Fair 2012

We REALLY enjoy going to the LA Fair. The OC Fair is weak sauce comparably... maybe that's just our occasional pettiness towards Orange County in general talking... silly yes, whatevs.

Regardless, we always have a great time. Things have really changed for us though since Mr B had a big gall bladder scare last year. Fairly health conscious family that we are, the Fair was official "let your hair down and eat all the fried goods you want" time... There was a bout with fried avocados and a bloomin' onion and that kicked off a chain of events that led us to the hospital two weeks later with a Mr. B in excruciating pain. Come to find out through tests and ultrasounds, he had Gall Bladder Sludge. Not stones, it was sludge. A sandy substance in the gall bladder. We were sent to a surgeon for a consult after his painful flare up was over (thank you ibuprofen and lots of fluids) who suggested he get it removed. Mr. B was NOT up for elective surgery because of all the risks even with small surgeries. So our other option was a lifestyle change. To keep flare ups under control, we avoid greasy and fried foods, whole milk dairy products, highly processed foods and eat more lean meats and fresh fruits and vegetables.
So this trip to the fair included chicken and veggie kabobs with naan, lots of yummy muscle beach lemonade, and the go to favorite of a lifetime... Roasted Corn On the Cob... YUM!

We didn't head to the fair until about 4pm since that day the high in Long Beach was 100 degrees so at the fairgrounds, it was 104! By the time we went, the initial sweltering heat had dissipated and we were able enjoy walking around.

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