"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Oct 4, 2012

The Go Cart

Mr. B got a go cart... For the kids he says. Hmm...

He got it from his dad... I said nothing, I'm so conservative when it comes to the kids and their safety. Mr. B promised to be safe. So when they (He and JT) went to pull the go cart out of the back of the truck at our house, I didn't think anything of it... Until HeaBug (the little mama) comes running inside to say that "They're GONE!" that's what I heard. I marched out to the front yard and waited until I heard then saw them coming down the street. I was only irritated until I saw that not only was JT not wearing a helmet, had on only slippers AND they were speeding down the street!! It was around that point that I graduated to livid.

Using my best Mom sign language (since my voice couldn't be heard above the engine) I told them enough.

Here was Mr. B's Facebook post that day:
Got a new toy from my dad for me and jack it only took us 3 min to get in trouble with MOM no ridding in the street any more. 

I was pretty upset and it only made those two Kolohes laugh even more. 

A few days later, I agreed to take the go cart over to the school by our house for mom approved fun. It really was a good time. We all took turns and because of the wide base of the go cart itself, the chance of it flipping is almost non existent. 

The kids were nervous that we were going to get a ticket or something. Here's my post from the same day:
This afternoon we took the go cart to a local fenced in playground for "mom approved" safe driving fun... Rob and J were skirting around when we hear an ambulance going down the main street. Hea pops up and yells, "it's the cops! Dad!!" haha, girfren was on the lookout for the fuzz. — with R Booth.

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