"the best security blanket a child can have is parents who respect each other" -jane blaustone

Living and co-parenting after a lifetime of love.

Oct 3, 2012

Maga gets a new knee

This post is mostly made up a series of Facebook posts. I just wanted to make sure that I remembered these because as I've said before, this blog is as close to a journal as I get these days.

Maga August 20:
Found out today that I get to have knee replacement This Wednesday! Was originally scheduled for Oct. A cancellation gave me an opening! Nervous but very grateful. Won't know the particulars until tomorrow! Lots to prepare for!!

ME August 22: I've got a pager that will go off when I can see her in pre-op and a number so I can track her surgery on the monitor. Thankful for technology and wishing Mom a smooth knee replacement surgery!!

Me August 22: Mom is out of surgery and she did well :) Full knee replacement. Metal and plastic parts. It was bone on bone inside due to severe arthritis . She was slightly anemic going in so they will watch her blood count and if she needs a transfusion they will do it at night. 50-60 year old patients normally go home next day but it will depend on how long it takes for the femoral block to wear off. (and she's not 50 yet) It will be 1.5 hours before I can go in. — with Liz Kamae.

Me August 23: My mom is still in the hospital (Downey Kaiser). They unwrapped her knee this morning and it was still in the process of draining. The physical therapist saw her and got her up and out of bed. She walked around the bed and to the chair but hot super dizzy so they had her lay back down. She got two straight hours of sleep though. Therapy later was bending and straightening the knee 7 times. She said it was "challenging" (because she wouldn't complain ever). She will see the therapist again at 8am and will know then if she can go home tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for your well wishes, she is so touched by your concern! Message me if you would like her number or address. ♥ — with Liz Kamae.

  Strongest chick I know. Mr. B and I had plane tickets that took us out of town the following weekend and campsite reservations in Jalama so I was really worried about how she would manage. She had wonderful friends look in on her and is doing amazing in her recovery! So glad that she won't have to live with the awful pain in her knee anymore. My kids are excited that she has a "bionic" leg now.

Love you Maga

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